Extra Life Story Mode - Chapter Three


The heroes failed to conjure up enough money to enlist the services of Carol the Cleaner. They sat at the roadside in their blood-soaked Prius unsure of what to do.

"We can't just sit here in the open like this..." Will remarked.
"Well, we can't go driving around like this either." Kevin retorted.
"Let's park the Prius in those bushes over there and see if we can find another way to TikTok." Adam resolved.

No sooner than a plan had been agreed upon did a small troop of soldiers approach on horseback, circling the crew and their four-wheeled crime scene. They were a patrolling guard of the nearby kingdom, charged with keeping order in the surrounding lands. The scene they arrived on did not look good.

"Oh shit, it's the cops." Kevin gasped. "They can't catch me like this. I'm too pretty to go to jail."

Kevin jumped out of the Prius and attempted to flee on foot. He did not make it far before the captain of the guard drew "Ye Olde Taser" from his pouch and dropped Kevin like a sack of bricks in the middle of the road.

"Oh man... he's peeing himself. Poor Kevin." Antonio remarked.
"Nobody move. We're bringing you all in for the mass murder of the East Wood Faery Flock. You will answer to the King for what you have done here." The Captain ordered.

Our heroes were rounded up, shackled in chains and led to the dungeon keep. It was a dark and dingy place, the floor wet with rainwater and Centaur piss. As our heroes were led to their cells they eyed up the criminals and killers they would soon be caged with.

"This doesn't look good for us. How are we going to save the children of the realm if we're locked up with these scoundrels?" Brent whispered.
"Let's just keep our heads down and stick together. We'll figure a way out of this." Adam responded.

The guards tossed our heroes into their cell and slammed the barred door shut. Berto took a seat on a bench and stretched his arms out.
"I kind of like it here. I've spent a lot of time in prison. Reminds me of home."

Suddenly a tall, broad-shouldered ogre approached. He walked directly up to Berto and snorted as drool dribbled from his hairy chin.
"THAT"S MY BENCH, PUNY SCUM." The Ogre belched.
"I don't see you name on it.." Berto shot back defiantly.

The Ogre extended his finger, pointing to the bench and in large carved lettering revealed the name "Bubbles". Berto started giggling which only served to enrage Bubbles the Ogre who back-handed Berto off of the bench and then ripped the seat from the wall.

"I'LL KILL YOU FOR LAUGHING AT MY NAME!!!" Bubbles roared as he swung the bench at our heroes with incredible force.

Will leapt into action and used his "Slow" spell to temporarily render Bubbles frozen.
"I can't hold him for long. Someone is going to have to do something!" Will shouted casting as hard as he could.
"I have an idea! I can conjure up an explosive potion with items from around this cell!" Tony shouted looking through his spell book.
"All I need is a teaspoon of that Centaur piss. The tears of a virgin, and the butt hair of... an Ogre. LIKE BUBBLES!"

In order for Tony to successfully craft his explosive potion he needs all three items from his list.

Help Team Mega Dads raise $1,900 by October 14!

Visit extra-life.org/team/megadads to help our heroes reach their fundraising goals and to help craft a magical butt-hair explosive.


Mega Dads Checkpoint: Jacquie Lamm


Spotlight: Kahlief Adams