Our Mega Dads Culture

Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to address the series of high-profile departures we’ve had at Mega Dads over these last twelve months. Since forming a team at Mega Dads I always knew that folks would come and folks would go.
I’ve made it our policy to not publicly address any of these departures out of respect for both parties. Lives will always change and with Mega Dads being a side project for most everyone involved we certainly have always understood that nobody could do this forever.

However with that being said there have been a lot of big and abrupt changes over this last year and yesterday saw yet another one with the co-host of Mega Dads Live, Mega Dads Checkpoint and the face of our streaming initiative, Chris Berto parting ways with the team. I’m sure a lot of you have questions and are wondering what might be happening here at Mega Dads this last year. While I’m not going to disclose any details about these decisions, I do want to speak broadly about the culture, community and brotherhood that we’ve created here and why some of these changes, while shocking, are absolutely the best thing for everyone involved.

I created Mega Dads 9 years ago and have been working very hard to evolve, grow and cultivate this community into something that is not only a creatively satisfying outlet for its team members to work at, but also a fun and enjoyable community for people like you to be a part of. We’ve made great efforts to have an inclusive community via our discord, social media channels and Mega Dads Plus. We want to welcome everyone in who is here to have fun and be entertained with us. Part of that partnership and understanding means that I am tasked with providing a space that is welcoming and safe for everyone.

While we certainly have mature content like Mega Dads Live where we provide entertainment that is only for mature audiences, we also have family friendly content on our YouTube channel and our website. It’s our way of offering something for everyone so that Mega Dads is a larger place that anyone can enjoy in one way or another.

With that said one of the fundamentals of Mega Dads is that feeling of being a part of the family. We’re built on the principles of family. We’re dads. And as Dads we make it our number one mission to protect our families at any cost. That means we go to great lengths to prevent anyone or anything bringing harm to those in our family. So over the last twelve months we have had to make some big, and yes abrupt, changes to ensure that we are sticking by those principles.
We will never remove someone from Mega Dads over a disagreement, an argument or a difference of opinion. We are all adults and there are people within our community and teams that have a wide range of beliefs, opinions and morals that we listen to and respect. Even if we don’t agree with all of our differences, we come to terms with them and move forward as a Mega Dads family.

We do not, however, allow harassment, hate speech, threats, bigotry or abuse in this community or in this team. Whether you are a community member, a friend, a teammate, or yes, even a brother. There are values that we hold as Mega Dads and there is a great responsibility that I hold to not allow anything that would harm someone to be a part of the fabric of Mega Dads. What we’ve built here stands for something and I won’t allow that to be compromised. It’s just that simple.

I also want to affirm that not everyone who has left over these last twelve months has done so out of violation of these principles. As I remarked at the beginning, we all have real lives that can and often will take priority over Mega Dads and sometimes that means needing to step away either temporarily (like the recently returning Jonny Casino) or on a more permanent basis (like our good friend Wondrous Will). So please do not take this editorial as a scorched Earth approach to anyone who has left Team Mega Dads. That simply is not the case. I have a lot of love and respect for everyone who has come in and out of our family over these last 9 years and I am so grateful that you still allow me and my team (whoever they may be now or in the future) to bring you entertainment. I love Mega Dads and I appreciate each and every one of you.

I apologize for the vague nature of this editorial but I really felt a weighing on my heart to address what has been happening with Mega Dads over this last year. I promise to continue to work tirelessly to make this space a fun and inclusive place so that we can all share the joys of a world Where Gamer Life Meets Real Life!

-Adam Leonhardt
Editor-in-Chief at Mega Dads


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