How Would I Fix Summer Game Fest?

As Summer Game Fest Live wrapped up yesterday I found myself balancing my feelings about the affair. While a blend of great, so-so and tepid reactions to the event’s reveals and premieres is nothing out of the ordinary in regards to my feelings on a lot of these types of showcases, I couldn’t help but feel like this one was a bit different. In fact it always feels that way. Summer Game Fest has never hit the mark for me since its inception. In subsequent conversations and interactions with my peers I found myself unpacking my feelings with the general thought that while the quality of the content was not in question, the vessel in which that content was delivered is what left me feeling unsatisfied.
How can it be that I walk away from Summer Game Fest excited about The Last of Us, Shredder’s Revenge, Layers of Fears and so many others but still feel like the show was a let down? I’m going to try and unpack my thoughts on exactly that and how I feel Summer Game Fest could change to appeal to folks like me who always feel like Geoff Keighley’s Summers are just a little too cold.


The biggest takeaway I have from the event is it all feels incredibly crammed into a package that is both entirely too long for a showcase and nowhere near long enough for the amount of content on offer. There are a tremendous amount of reveals and demos happening all fighting for as much time as they can get within the confines of the shows runtime. This just doesn’t work and makes the whole ordeal feel bloated and yet devoid of the kind of substance we want from these kinds of events. My solution? Make Summer Game Fest an all-day event that players can tune in to for their fix of both big reveals as well as deep dives.
Keighley could begin and end the event with opening and closing ceremonies that would attract the most eyes and offer the type of traditional presentation that we come to expect from shows of this kind.
The Opening Ceremony can provide reveals for games that have the ability to be featured throughout the day with hands-on gameplay much like what was done Thursday with The Callisto Protocol. Show that game’s trailer reveal in the opening ceremonies and then announce a time slot for the developer interview and gameplay demo later in the day.
The Closing Ceremony would be for your teaser and premiere announcement for games that are not ready for a deep dive yet. Think the Spider-Man 2 trailer. This would be a great way to still have your wow moments filled with reveals and trailers and yet be able to allow space for other games to be able to breathe and offer more in depth analysis and exposition.


This one may be just my personal preference and/or bias but in my opinion I think it’s time for Geoff to embrace the producer role more and to step back from the hosting duties a bit. I don’t think it’s necessary for him to remove himself altogether. This is his show and he clearly is a maestro at getting the entirety of the gaming industry to align itself to his vision. What he has done with The Game Awards and Summer Game Fest truly is an incredible feat.

However with that said I think Geoff has shown his hand a little too much in the last couple of years. By allowing himself to get wrapped up in gross and pompous twitter battles with the ESA and by displaying his admittedly entertaining bromance with Hideo Kojima for all the world to see he no longer appears as just this great, neutral gaming ambassador like he once was. I can no longer watch him on stage without having all of those things color my experience of watching these events. On top of that I just don’t think he is a very charismatic host. I believe he is an excellent producer and that is truly where he shines. I simply believe there are other people better equipped to handle the on-camera aspect of these events and we can let Geoff focus on delivering what is only growing into a bigger and more prominent event.


One of my favorite things about The Game Awards are the musical performances. I absolutely love seeing The Game Awards Orchestra do their medley of nominees, I thought it was fantastic when Eddie Vedder performed Future Days and in my eyes the very best thing Summer Game Fest has ever done is the live Outer Wilds performance by Andrew Prahlow. Moments like this are so unique and celebrate video games in a way that nobody else does. I love when Geoff does this and I think a live concert series would be phenomenal.


Seriously. Where were The Muppets?

Some of these ideas may be self-serving, some may or may not resonate with you, but I just felt like I wanted to put these thoughts I’ve been sharing into a more carefully expressed article. I wanted to put what I think some people may view as a harsh critique into perspective. It is possible to not enjoy a thing but wish for it to be better and understand its importance and capability of growth. I want Geoff to turn Summer Game Fest into something more than what I think it is now and I think that offering constructive criticism is not only okay, but important in life and in games.


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Summer Game Bang: Season