Extra Life Story Mode: Chapter One

Welcome Traveller!

This is Extra Life Story Mode. An interactive fundraising fantasy adventure where your donations determine the outcome of the story. Every two weeks there will be a new story installment as well as a new fundraising goal for our heroes to meet. Whether they succeed or fail is up to you, the donors. Enjoy the adventure!

Chapter One: A Summoning of Heroes:

A dark curse has swept over the land in the dead of night. A malevolent and unseen force known simply as The Kids These Days has cast a dark and wicked spell on the children which has robbed them of their youthful joy. No longer do they lovingly cast affections on their parents, but instead they stare at their hands and shrug off any attempt at communication or social interaction.

"What did you do today at the castle, Tommy?"

"Do you want to come help me chase goblins out of the fields, Billy?"
"Nah. That sounds lame."

It was a dark time and the people knew something must be done. So they summoned the help of the legendary heroes known as Team Mega Dads. Team Mega Dads hailed from the four corners of the realm and would come together to vanquish evil and help the innocent, only periodically pausing to take naps or catch their breath if sustained running was involved.

Adam: An Elf of the Whispering Wood, whose power comes from the ethereal ocean of stars and Los Doritos Tacos.
Will: The stoned Wizard who casts magic from the ancient book of Manga.
Antonio: The Bard who uses the power of music and puppetry to enchant his enemies.
Berto: The Warlock who draw his black magic from his enchanted beard.
Brent: The Archer with flawless aim but he has questionable choices in friends.
Tony: The Coconut Wizard who specializes in potions and pina coladas.
and David: Who hasn't picked a class yet but we promise we're on it...

Our Heroes assembled at the Hall of Dads to discuss their plans and begin their journey. They had gathered their weapons, armor and spell books and had decided that they would travel into the heart of the unknown. The source of all of The Kids These Days' power. They would journey to the land of Tic Toc.

"But that place is confusing and wrought with enchantment. I heard that a trio of Dwarves travelled there last week and they never made it back. Stories say they're still there learning to floss and ...worse yet ...they're "reacting" to everything." Antonio objected.

"It must be done. Plus I heard the women there only wear yoga pants." Berto interjected.

"Then it is settled." Adam declared. "All that's left is to procure a means of travel. The stables have two options available to us. A steady troop of horses which can easily carry our gear and supplies. Or an enchanted Chinese Water Deer named Kevin who can drive us there in his Prius. The horses are reliable and true. But I hear that Kevin is an excellent driver and he'll even let us pick the playlist on the way there... so of course he charges more."

In order to afford "Kevin, the Chinese Water Deer and his Prius", Team Mega Dads MUST raise enough funds to afford his services. Otherwise they will have to ride some lame-ass horses. Will you help them?

Help Team Mega Dads raise $1,200 by September 16


Story Mode Chapter Two: The Long Road


Spotlight: Joseph Moran