Story Mode Chapter Two: The Long Road

The heroes had done it! They managed to raise enough funds to afford the transportation services of Kevin, The Chinese Water Deer on their journey to the cursed lands of TikTok.

"Sweet." Kevin proclaimed as he counted his cash. "Everybody get in and watch the leather. I drove a Troll to Dunkin Donuts last week and his butt sweat got all over my seats. So, if you've got a sweaty butt make sure you put down a paper towel first. That's stuff isn't fun to clean."

The heroes entered Kevin's Prius and set off on their journey. They let Berto sit up front with Kevin because he insisted on picking the tunes. This turned out to be a huge mistake because within minutes they were listening to the insufferable sounds of Shania Twain.

"Come on, dude. We're supposed to be legendary heroes on an epic quest here and you're listening to "Man! I Feel Like a Woman?!" Brent argued from the back seat.

"It's not my fault you're unwilling to connect with your feminine side. Shania has a way of speaking my truth through the complexity of catchy mid 90's pop-country anthems. So shove it up your ass!" Berto retorted.

Kevin, the Chinese Water Deer was clearly growing agitated by the bickering of his passengers. He cast side eye at the party repeatedly as the argument intensified.

"Hey, are you guys gonna keep this up the whole way? It's a long-ass way to TikTok and I don't know if I can---"

"LOOK OUT!" Adam interrupted in panic.

Kevin quickly returned his eyes to the road, but it was too late. The Prius collided with a flock of Faeries which were crossing the road. The impact on their tiny bodies was severe and their screams were piercing as they exploded like a barrage of water balloons across Kevin's windshield.
The party sat in silence as Fairy blood trickled down the windshield and Kevin slowly engaged his wipers. The sounds of their collective pounding heartbeats drowned out the magnificent anthem "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain, which was playing on the radio. 

Berto was the first to break the silence. "I think I got some in my mouth..."

Then from out of nowhere a shrouded figure appeared at Kevin's window, startling our heroes. He had pale, leathery skin and a glass eye that glistened in the afternoon sun. His teeth were sharp and he smelled very distinctly like a Subway Sandwich Shop.

"Hey... that was pretty fucked up. But lucky for you... I'm here. My name is Carol, and I'm the best cleaner in all the lands. Nobody has to find out what happened here. I can make this all go away easy-peasy... for a price." He spoke through his sickly, sharpened teeth.

Will poked his head out from the backseat. "Wait... your name is Carol?"

In order to pay Carol to dispose of all the Fairy bodies and help the party get away with mass Fairy-murder our heroes are going to need a little extra scratch. That's where you come in!

Help Team Mega Dads raise $1,800 by September 30

and see what the next leg of their journey has in store.

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Tokyo Game Show Dominated


Extra Life Story Mode: Chapter One